Wednesday 15 April 2015

Chemist Direct

Review of Chemist Direct

One of my first jobs was in a well known High Street chemist. It was great! Back then, at 17 years old, all my income was disposable; that teamed with a decent staff discount, I pretty much worked to spend my wages at work on skincare products, make-up & anything that smelt nice.

Fast forward a few years and suddenly responsibility & bills kick in. Disposable income becomes a thing of the past and that much loved discount is no more. Throw in a couple of kids to the equation and the days of buying nice smelling things just for the sake of it are just a distant memory. Partly due to finances & largely due to said kids not being up for entertaining hours walking around the shops whilst I decide which shower gel smells the best & which vitamins offer the best value.

So when Chemist Direct got in touch to see if I'd like to review their website & products, I of course jumped at the chance. If I can't physically browse a chemists, I can still scroll through one on my iPad for hours, right? And when I say hours, I'm not exaggerating! The selection of products available from Chemist Direct is immense, from soap & suncream, too vitamins & flea treatments. You can even order your prescriptions through Chemist Direct to be delivered right to your door. In the end I selected a few different products, with an aim of trying something from each department of their website. Here's what I chose...

Evening Primrose Oil Capsules
I first started taking Evening Primrose Oil last year in an attempt to regulate my hormones & help my Cystic Acne. I can't really say how it worked in that sense as not long after starting EPO, I also sought help from my GP but I did feel it had a good affect on my moods, nail & hair growth and keeping my time of the month regular & more bearable! I ran out a few weeks back and never got around to get any more so this was actually the first thing in my basket.

Bio Oil
I used to use Bio Oil a lot back in my teenage years, mainly to help with the stretch marks on my thighs that developed during puberty (the joys!). And since I'm done having babies for now, I decided to give it a go in my tummy. I only got a handful of stretch marks when pregnant with John, right at the very end, but with David my tummy resembled a road map by the time I was into the third trimester. I don't expect miracles but seeing as it help fade the ones on my thighs I'm hoping it'll improve the ones on my tummy too. I've also been trying it on the keloid scar on my collar.

Garnier Olia Hair Dye
My hairs been a little dull looking recently and seeing as it's nearly a year since I last dyed it, I thought I'd get a nice brown to freshen it up a bit. My hair has been behaving itself lately though so I've yet to actually use this, knowing that it'll end up in a transitioning period for a week at least afterwards. I have however used this range of hair dyes in the past and was so impressed that I didn't hesitate in choosing it again.

Haliborange Multivitamin Fruit Softies
Now we've finished breastfeeding with John, I think it is a good time to start him on a multivitamin for a little boost. He's got a good diet for the most part but these vitamins give me a little reassurance that he's getting what he needs on the days hat he doesn't want to eat anything other than cucumber & pizza.

Lil Lets Tampons
These are pretty self explanatory, no? Better delivered to the door than sending Iain at least.

Aqueous Cream
I remember when I used to work in a chemists in High School and you got someone in asking for Aqueous Cream on a daily basis. And quite rightly as this stuff is brilliant! It's the most basic of moisturisers but you can use it for literally anything. I love using it on my feet & hands and it's also lovely & gentle for using on the boys when they need it too.

Bepanthen Sun Cream
Again, quite self explanatory. I'm a bit obsessed with sun care and always looking for a decent factor 50 for both the boys & myself. Fingers crossed we actually get some sun for this though!

Palmers Shea Formula Moisture Rescue Curl Shampoo
Since starting he Curly Girl Method, I've become a SLS-free Shampoo junkie. This though, is my absolute all time favourite. It has very little lather to it so isn't drying at all, leaving my hair silky smooth, yet still feeling clean. Plus it smells gorgeous!

Review of Chemist Direct

I'm very pleased with the whole experience of shopping with Chemist Direct, right from navigating their website, too how well packaged everything was when it arrived - which was very quickly also. I'll certainly be using Chemist Direct again in future, particularly as they often have good promotions on to boot. And although scrolling through a chemist isn't quite the same as browsing in store for hours on end, this at least can be done after bedtime, avoiding the inevitable tantrums in the shops!

Are you a fan of online shopping? Would you buy your chemist supplies online?

Disclaimer: I was provided for a voucher to use with Chemist Direct in return for this review. All opinions are my own.



  1. I regularly use Chemist Direct and have always had a great shopping experience with them! They stock such a huge range of items too! xxx
    Love From Mummy - UK Parenting Lifestyle Blog

  2. Wow, such a selection! I always tend to just pop into Boots, hadn't thought to buy things like that online x

  3. They're great eh, Vikki? Definitely recommend them Donna! xo


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