Wednesday 6 May 2015

So When's The Big Day?

For those who missed it, Iain finally put a ring on it on Christmas day last year. And since then we've been bombarded with questions of when the big day will be. For anyone who knows me 'in real life', you'll know I've had my wedding planned since I was about 10 years old. So when it was made official that there will in fact be a wedding with Iain & I, it was understandable to assume I'd already be booking venues, making invites & trying on dresses.

But no. We've not set an estimate date yet. Nor looked at venues other than online (although we do like the look of Carberry Tower, Winton House & Fenton Tower). We haven't even started figuring out our guest list. In truth, we're in no hurry. Iain & I have been together 7 years now and I can see a wedding taking just as long to come about, for one simple reason. Money. With having two kids & bills to pay, the disposable income available to save for a wedding simply isn't massive. Chuck in a bit of debt that I'm still paying off and that not-so massive amount suddenly reduces to zero. Sure, I could start paying the minimum on my credit card to allow some extra cash in the saving account but where's the sense in that?

For now, my wedding planning will stay firmly in my head until my bank balance allows. Even then it'll take a few years to save for what I've got in mind! And don't worry, I'll be sure to share my planning along the way (obvs) but in the mean time you'll find me endlessly pinning anything wedding-ish that catches my eye.




  1. Money is such a big thing when it comes to weddings. When we got married nearly 6 years ago I was determined that I'd have a wedding we could afford and not get into debt over it. We ended up having an incredible day but it cost an incredible amount of money - luckily I got a lot of bonuses at work that year! x

    1. It really does cost a fortune, even when you try & do it cheap. But like you Donna, I'm determined to do it within our budget & not get in debt as a result!


  2. Congratulations on your wedding plans. I've been married almost 2 years. I hardly had any cash but with the help of some incredible friends I was able to pull of the best wedding ever on such a low budget. I also used Pinterest to pin down my ideas, the boards are still there! I hope things go well for you and good luck with the planning Angela xx

    Angela recently posted “Yoda’s antics Week Three”

    1. Thanks, Angela. Pinterest really is great! I think when it comes to the hardcore planning I'll be on there nearly 24/7 for inspiration & tips on doing things on the cheap!


  3. How exciting! I am still waiting for Mr C to propose, I've been waiting 12 years already though so not expecting it any time soon!! It is crazy how expensive weddings are, my friend has to save up for over 2 years to afford hers! x

    1. It took Iain 7 years to pop the question, by which point I'd actually given up on it ever happening! Although I think it might be another 12 years before we're actually married!


  4. It's so hard isn't it? We saved for ages for our wedding and in the grand scheme of things had quite a small do (we only had 30 people to our day to save on costs of food) and then 115 people to a big party in the evening. Money is such an issue, so much so I have had friends who have done registry offices recently but in the most beautiful way. I am sure you will work it out somehow- and anyway long engagements are just as good! ;) x


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